An Open Letter to Myself : Action, Results + Risk

Sometimes I write notes to myself. Kind of like keeping a diary, without the pressure to write everyday. These notes are kept in random books, note cards, and post-its scattered in random places. Today I'm writing a note to myself because it's easy to talk the talk, but sometimes feels impossible to get started. I once heard that the hardest thing to beginning is beginning.

Dear Jasmine,
It's time to be honest with yourself and hear some tough love.
You say you want to push your creative boundaries, but have done nothing to bring it to life.
Shut up and do it already.
Talk is cheap, action is priceless.
The more you do–even if it's filled with mistakes–the closer you are to finishing.
Action yields results, talk yields dreams.
Take a step closer to risk…who cares about what the criticizers will say if you fail?
Remember, it's better to fail while trying, than to succeed at mediocrity.