Service and Greatness

Everyone Can Be Great, Because Everyone Can Serve — Martin Luther King, Jr.

We walked into the tightly packed dining hall, squeezing past throngs of homeless men and women. They smiled politely and parted like the Red Sea, each nodding at us as we clutched our cameras. We found a quiet spot and Jim, the director of Denver’s Volunteers of America Director, greeted us warmly and smiled so wide I saw his pearly molars. They looked like happy molars. Giving molars.

Jim went on to explain what, exactly, we could photograph and thanked us for our time. In light of Martin Luther King Day, VOA hosted a warm lunch and distributed clothes to the needy and homeless, which is extraordinarily helpful in the six-degree weather. Before leaving us to address an issue in the kitchen, Jim asked, Isn’t this the best way to commemorate Dr. King?! All of us, here, eating and getting along? Jim—and his happy molars—scurried off and our afternoon shoot began.

Crystal Goss, Sarah Barlow, Jenna Walker, and I did our best to document our day, the lunch, and a myriad of lives. I was truly honored and I’m excited to shoot again tomorrow!

The best thing about VOA is that it accepts volunteers of all ages! 😉

This was the sweetest family who allowed me to take their picture after the meal…

This is Billy…he's from California…he wants Peace.

Me, too, Billy!