Friday Randomness : Science Edition

In high school, Mr. Sims, the beloved Chemistry teacher, made his students memorize the periodic table. I sat in his AP Chemistry class and watched as he neatly solved scientific equations on the board and spoke about ionic bonds. I don't remember much from the class (except I liked the smell the bunsen burner produced…weird, I know), but what sticks out to this day was Mr. Sims' passion. He'd stand in front of the class with his black shoes and white socks and wave his arms trying to get us to care more about alkali metals and less about prom.

I never worked harder in a class than I did Chemistry, partly because I wanted Mr. Sims' approval and to show I cared about chemically bonded elements (well, sort of). I guess it goes to show that if you love something with all your heart, you'll get others to care about it as well.

Mr. Sims, this Random Friday post is dedicated to you.

This is what the periodic table looks like to me these days…

007 better watch out…

I don't know if this lamp is scientific, exactly…but I love it. If a kid asked me how these balloons were illuminated, I'd simply say: SCIENCE, duh.

The science of cleaning…

Happy Friday!