Friday Randomness

So, it's Friday. In December. And I woke up with absolutely no umph. Like someone stole my mojo. I can tell it's going to be long day. I thought about writing a really cool blog post about something really cool with cool people and a bunch of coolness, but I have writer's block. In a may-jah way. I speak Victoria Beckham.

In light of the weekend, let's have a Friday Randomness post!

*I Dyed My Hair. By Myself.
Should I get into how awful this decision was? I'll save you the drama and sum it up as: Maroon! OH MY GOD! Get me some toner!

*I Want To See It Snow.
Since I live in Southern California, the chances are slim to none. JD bought me a snowglobe. Then I made out with him. With tongue.

*I Am Done With Christmas Shopping.
Oh yeah. Just went THERE. Please don't hate me. If you had seen me running through the mall last year like a crazed, three-legged buffalo you'd appreciate this.

He's stealing ornaments from the tree, tears them to shreds, and leaves the evidence under the couch.

*College Station, Texas.
I'll be speaking at Brazos Valley Professional Photographers Association on Monday, January 24, 2011 in College Station, Texas. You can register for the event HERE. If you wear cowboy boots, you'll get bonus cool points in my book!

*I Went Ice Skating. With A Cute Boy.
I've had a childhood fascination with ice skating. Particularly, with a boy. I've always dreamed of getting all sweaty-palmed as we skated–backwards–to an R&B song. I'm happy to share that my dream came true. Last night, minus the R&B song. But the best part? I got to GO HOME WITH THAT BOY.

‘Tis The Season
I'm going to try to use ‘Tis as many times as I can between now and Christmas. ‘Tis cool. Trust me.

Happy Friday!