With Etiquette : Licensed Music

Something struck me late last year and it was gnarly. As a music lover, I used songs to accompany my slideshows and I loved the extra emotional effect music can add. I'd hand-pick each song to represent my clients' personalities and still reflect my personal tastes. Sure, not everyone liked my preferences, but it's all good. Then, in late September, I couldn't shake the lingering questions I had regarding music rights and usage. I, of course, attributed music credit on each slideshow, but the area is, well, gray.

A couple months later, I vowed to use only licensed music for no other reason than it made me feel like it was the right thing to do. This post isn't intended to start a debate, but, rather, just openly state my intention for 2011 and moving forward. I had a hard time finding licensed music, so when I discovered With Eitquette, I felt like I landed on a goldmine. A huge fan of indie music, the library is filled is plenty of options for future slideshows. Be sure to take your time to peruse the awesome talent, but I have to give a shout out to Amy Seeley…The Trees Want You Back will always remain a favorite of mine since I heard it years ago…