Stephanie and Jose : Engaged

Stephanie quietly and dutifully worked at her church. Educated, well-spoken, and exceptionally organized, Stephanie planned every last element in her life…down to the pearls she wore to church on Sundays. What she didn't expect, however, was to meet and fall in love with Jose. But, like most things in life, the best things aren't planned.

Jose volunteered at church twice a week and joined the staff for lunch in the cafe. Stephanie and Jose spoke often and she couldn't think more highly of him…so much so, she tried setting him up with a few of her friends. But he's just SO nice, she'd say as she tried to play matchmaker. Then the tables turned. The matchmaker was asked to go out for dinner and she accepted.

At dinner in Santa Monica a few nights later, Stephanie and Jose spent the evening connecting on many levels and laughed together until the plates were cleared and the tab closed. Walking along 3rd Street Promenade, a street performer asked for a volunteer to join him in a dance routine. Much to Stephanie's surprise, Jose was chosen and danced in front of a crowd of strangers with every ounce of pride he could muster. Arms flailing, feet tapping, mouth pursed closed in dedicated concentration.

It was then. It was then when Stephanie realized she was falling for the church volunteer, the dance volunteer, and the man who was to become her soul mate.

Stephanie and Jose are getting married this June, so we met in Long Beach for their engagement session and had a blast…

Love this light…

This is the lighthouse Jose proposed to Stephanie in front of, so it was a perfect place for them to end their session!

To see more of their engagement session, CLICK HERE for a slideshow!