New Sight, New Site

Last night I heard former British prime minister Tony Blair say something along the lines of I tell people what I think, not what I think they think. The profundity of his words struck a chord and I felt like blowing him a kiss from the over-stuffed chair I sat in. JD makes fun of my crush on Blair–and my response is usually filled with fondness for his soft Irish/English accent and his subtle self-deprecation–but last night we agreed his speech for global peace and collaboration was wonderful. JD and I made our way to Santa Barbara for a few meetings, and our good friend David Jay procured tickets for Blair's presentation later that day. It was a splendid night. Yes, I just said splendid. I'm obviously trying to act all British. You know, just to show Blair WE'RE MEANT TO BE. 4EVR.

In another news, my friend Jeff Shipley just launched his new website and I'm so proud of him! I met Jeff last summer during the Free to Succeed Tour and we spoke just for a bit, but I knew he was going to do great things. And if you see his Showit Site, I think you'll agree.

He's young, fun, and carving his brand with each click of his website…I love seeing new entrepreneurs take control of their business and Jeff is doing just that. Feel free to CLICK HERE to check out the new site! 🙂

Happy Tuesday and if you have friends who have friends once removed from Tony Blair, please let him know I send my love.