Kisses+Disses : Hipsters + The Lakers

Last week for my birthday, JD went out of his way to plan a cool night for us on the town. When I heard rumors of this coolness, I instantly went into panic mode and if there were red lights to flash, I would have done so. Me and Cool don't mix, like, ever. Seriously, if someone wants to do something cool, please don't invite me because I'm cool repellant. I'm life's equivilant to the pocket protector.

JD called our best friend, Mel, and asked for her suggestions because she and LA nightlife are BFFs. They borrow crop tops and breath mints from each other. Unbeknownst to me, Mel gave JD a list of uber cool places to eat before the Lakers game. Oh, yeah, did I just slip that in? I SO JUST DID. JD surprised me with tickets to the Lakers game and I did my Happy Dance a few times over. I've been a Lakers fan since the Magic and Kareem days, so to sit up close with Kobe and Gasol was a dream come true. That alone would have been enough, but, noooooooo, JD had to go and make things cool.

To avoid traffic from Orange County, we left early and planned to visit Cool Place. We pulled off the 10 freeway and into the garment district, you know the part of town you really don't want to be after the sun sets? Well, there we are AT SUNSET driving aimlessly. You see, this place is so cool it doesn't have a sign. I suppose if you're a hipster, your inner compass leads you there.

We randomly park and decide to take our chances, although I offered to knock on doors and ask for help. A movie set was getting constructed so the extras hung outside trailers and smokes flavored cigarettes, even though I worried about the Surgeon Warning Label for them. We finally see a small sign indicating our arrival and I'm tempted to swing my head around to show the actors JUST HOW COOL I AM FOR ENTERING THIS COOL PLACE when…wait for it…the place is closed. That's right: closed. It doesn't even open until 10pm, which is roughly the time I'm flossing my teeth for bed.

I casually dropped something in front of the door to act like I was merely delivering something to the cool place (What? I could've been a courier dressed in heels!) and walked back to the car. JD wrapped his arms around me and apologized for not planning it better. I laughed and said I didn't mind. But, really, could he please stop squeezing me because my pocket protector might get crushed.

Which leads me to another installment of Kisses and Disses

This week's DISSES go to…
*Hipster restaurants in undisclosed locations.
*My Happy Dance. It's still not cool.
*Taxes. Today is April 15th..WHAT DID YOU THINK I'D DISS?!

This week's KISSES go to…
*The Lakers. Sure, they lost the game, but they're so flamboyant they make losing look cool.
* I love this site and it's helpfulness in finding the best places to eat in a new city. We cleaned every plate in Seattle!
*Win Win. It's such a great movie, but I should probably admit Paul Giamatti is my Hollywood crush at the moment, so my opinion might be biased. Who doesn't love his balding head?!

Happy Friday!