Tweet, Tweet

My parents always warned me against the evils of the world. Drugs, Sex, The Smurfs. Growing up, the dinner table could easily become an After School Special, as there was always some over-arching moral theme to every conversation. Perhaps they paid off because when I was encouraged to smoke a cigarette outside of Skate Junction in the eighth grade, I said no. Not like Nancy Reagan-ish NO!, but more like So see, you guys, I have an iron lung… Whatever. It worked.

Peer pressure was never a thing for me.

There's an emphasis on “was” because I've finally caved into the darkside. Sorry Mom and Dad, I'm on TWITTER.

For those of you who–like me–prefer writing on tablets of stone and naming their pet dinosaurs, getting on Twitter was just another form of technology I shied away from because I just didn't get it. I mean, who cares what I'm doing throughout the day? What I'm eating for lunch? And, Oooh, I Just Cut Bangs! I've, however, slowly realized that it's a powerful micro-blogging tool and I (along with my iron lung) plan on rocking it. Hard.

If you'd like to follow me on Twitter and read what I'm doing throughout the day, you can now follow me at:

Happy Tuesday!