Friday Randomness : Polo’s disguise + Underpants

I suppose things have gotten crazy because Polo now insists on walking in a disguise. Something about paparazzi and his po-po-po-poker face or something like that. I hate when he speaks Gaga with me. Many thanks to Briana Moore who sent us a care package and aided in Polo's growing obsession with facial hair.

In more Friday Randomness…
*I think I'd be so awesome at Trivial Pursuit because of my banal (and abundant) knowledge of pop culture. But I've never been invited to a Trivial Pursuit party, so I don't really know if I'd even be that good. Just lemme pretend, okay?
*I bruise easily. And JUST LIKE THAT my ankle modeling career is over.
*I kinda want these underpants:

*I've been taking a vitamin and drinking a glass of Metamucil every day for the past week. I'm feeling extra healthy. And fibery.
*The Kardashian Klan (yes, that's what they're calling themselves) launched with clothing line with Sears. Random? Yes. More random: Annie Liebovitz photographed the campaign. I feel so confused…like, really.

*Ben&Jerry's ice cream launched a new flavor this week…and regardless of my unabashed love affair with all things sugar, I just don't think I could muster the strength to buy Schweddy Balls.

*My freckles are in full force this summer. And I like them.
*I drove JD extra crazy this week. He turned to me a couple nights ago and said he was trying to be extraordinarily patient because of all the stuff I have going on, but he's this–thiiiiiiiiiiiiis–close to going over the edge. Then I high-fived him for being a daredevil.

Happy Friday!