Making Friends in NYC…and beyond.

A few months ago, I had the honor of meeting a sweet New York-based photographer, Cassi. We met at the NYC stop of theFIX, but she joked of her skepticism about being there. Cassi doubted the event would change her business, but we recently corresponded and she told me the following…

“After attending theFIX, I made a friend who also attended TheFix. And another friend. And another. And through that friend I made another friend. And now, after just one year living in NYC, I have a solid circle of girls that I am proud to call my lifeline and support system. We call upon each other for an ego-boost when we find out a bride we loved chose another photographer. We openly share our business strategies and pricing systems so that we can all be successful and learn from each other's experiences..

These women have become a part of me. I love and trust them, and I could not be more excited to have such fantastic friends on this sometimes-lonely journey of building a successful business. So Jasmine, you did Fix me. One of the only things that had me questioning whether or not this was the career and life God had in store for me was the lack of social-life. My energy comes from being with other people, and I feel renewed and excited after spending a day with friends. But I wasn't getting that from sitting at home in front of my computer all day culling, editing, emailing, Facebook-stalking, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love those things. But I love them even more now that my social-life-tank is full!

So thank you. Thank you for giving me an excuse to get out of my house on a cold Friday night in March. Thank you for giving me a reason to start a Facebook group. Thank you for being you. And most importantly, thank you for making NYC a lot smaller for me.”

This email? Well, it made me feel like New York got smaller…and the photo industry. If you're in NYC and looking for a great group of girls to meet with, Cassi's been there and she'd love to connect. If you're outside of NYC, I heavily encourage you to make one friend. And another. Then another. The group of girls who met at theFIX are proof that good things happen when you get uncomfortable.