Gratuitous Childhood Photo : Little Mariachi

My husband asked me one morning over breakfast if I ever imagined life this way. What way, I asked. He described our careers, our long walks, our sofa. I stifled a laugh because no way, not ever did I dream of this life. A life with a camera and a dog and endless possibilities. As a kid, I didn't know how to hope this big.

I was a tomboy who rode a skateboard and rocked a haircut my parents later apologized for. I was dressed in thrift shop clothes and secretly played with a generic Barbie (her name was Farbie and she was purchased at a swap meet) for fear of what the boys might say.

If I could go back and talk to my five-year-old self, I'd say, Now don't worry you're dressed like a mariachi…years from now you'll sit on a sofa that didn't belong to previous owners and follow your wildest dreams.