Are Looks Important To Being a Photographer?

Dear Jasmine,
I'm not sure if anyone has asked this before but here goes. I want to know if in your opinion looks are important when being a successful photographer? I mean, it's not like I don't shower or dress nice but I just feel like sometimes people might not take me as seriously as they could if I was well…thin. I am by no means unable to move or work but I am definitely a lot heavier than I would like to be. I feel that people still have strong prejudice against those with a few extra pounds. Do you think this could have an adverse affect on my business? Can I really cover up all my bodily insecurities with my fun and spunky personality? Or will my weight forever hold me back from my dreams?
A few pounds extra and a few clients short

Dear A Few Pounds Extra,
I read your letter and my heart ached. If you don't mind my honesty, what I see is a question about people's perception of your weight…but what I feel is a question about your insecurity. If anyone is attuned to curvy insecurities, it's the girl who weighed 178-pounds on her eleventh birthday. This is the same girl who shared same sized t-shirts with her father.

My insecurities and I still battle wars with each other (this stems from childhood ridicule, like when the boys pulled out my chair from under me or the time I had to be weighed in the lobby of a restaurant to see if I qualified for a kid's menu).

Curvy insecurity can't be hidden by your spunky personality, 30 shades of eyeshadow, or a really big camera because some people are judgmental. This notion hurts my feelings, but it's the truth. Plain and simple. But people just don't judge weight…they judge age/ethnicity/gender/etc. so the best thing you can do is embrace (and love) the person you are.

Your personality, portfolio, and professionalism should speak highly to your photographic ability, so if people can't see past their biases, that has nothing to do with you. And it's their loss.

Don't cover your insecurities, wear them on your sleeve to remind you of how far you've come…and how far you have yet to go. It'll keep you strong and it'll keep you humble. Furthermore, it'll make you appreciate the clients you have for seeing past things that don't matter and focusing on photographer you are.

Stay Fabulous,

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