Doubters, Unbelievers, and Naysayers

A couple weeks ago, I blogged about JD's completion of his first triathlon. The post was filled with pride, my photos documenting his spandex-wearing decisions, and him crossing the finish line. All the things on the outside, the veneer. But what the photos didn't show was his months of training…and my doubt.

What it boiled down was this: I didn't believe JD wanted it and–as a result–he'd invest in gear that would sit in our garage.

Okay, I need to rephrase the previous sentence.
What it boiled down to was this: I was selfish.

I let my concerns cloud my endorsement and I became a lingering prism of doubt. Instead of heralding my belief in his newfound passion, I became an impediment. When race day arrived, I finally believed he was going to meet his goal. I took my camera, made matching t-shirts, and cheered loudly. However, when the horn signaled the start of the race, I saw my husband swimming into the deep, dark ocean and I cried.

I stood on a cliff and cried the salty tears of embarrassment.

In that moment, I realized I became everything I preach against. I caused doubt, caused him to venture alone, and became a naysayer. This was so wrong and I later apologized for not being the person I should.

To those who have doubters, shine. To those who venture alone, be brave. To those who have naysayers, become deaf to their words. In doing so, you will accomplish more and have greater satisfaction when your goal is met…and those who doubted will be standing at the finish line clapping the loudest.