Marketing + SEO : How Much is Too Much

Dear Jasmine,
I need some advice. Where do you blog? I have been uploading all my work to my blog on site.. an off site blogger page, tumblr, and google plus.. I do this so people who like those social media things can use my pages on them.. and so my portfolio appears online in many places, but I've been told it's bad for SEO… How many images per engagement shoot and wedding do you blog? Is there a reason for the number? – I've also been blogging about 200 images per wedding and say 50 from engagement shoots.. Any tips you have on social media or marketing would be appreciated.
Striving for SEO

Dear Striving for SEO,
Let me state that I could answer your questions in two paragraphs…or two hundred paragraphs. Search Engine Optimization can be complex, but I will try to answer your question in a way to–at least–get you pointed in the right direction.

First things first: It's better to be good at a couple forms of social media than overextending yourself on multiple platforms (in spite of your best efforts, they will all suffer as a result). The most important thing to keep in mind is to respect the platform. It's kind of like investing in friendships…you'll build better relationships the more you pay attention to your counterparts, but too many and it gets hard to keep track.

I blog only on my blog. Ultimately, this sphere is where I want prospective clients to see my work, branded as my own. Furthermore, social media heavily depends on interaction, so it's important to pay close attention to comments and replies on a regular basis…the more you're spread out, the harder this becomes. As I mentioned in this post about using Facebook, I hone my focus on just a few forms of social media.

I heavily curate my social media endeavors. I do this primarily by only sharing a few photos from each shoot. An engagement blog post has 8-10 photos, and a wedding blog post has 25-30. I only want photos that further my brand and present an undiluted perspective. Having too many photos can be overwhelming for most viewers, but if you want to share in a larger capacity, I heavily suggest creating a slideshow as a commercial.

Striving for SEO, I hope this encourages you to really focus on the forms of social media you like, you believe you can leverage, and targets your ideal demographic.
Less is More,