Happy Birthday, Jasmine!

Your birthday has arrived, Jasmine! It's the one day I get to take over your blog and attempt to write you a note to express how fortunate I am to walk by your side.

There are times when moments pass you by because you're either nose-deep in a book or transfixed by the glow of your phone.

But there are those times when you effortlessly happen to live in a moment. Like the time you decided to venture into a new city without a plan. Or the time our flight got cancelled and you turned a five hour drive into an unforgettable road trip. And the time you went all day complimenting every person you encountered and never realized you were doing it.

In those moments I ask what I did to marry someone so extraordinary, so beautiful, so inspiring, so talented, so encouraging. It's in those moments I find myself falling madly in love.

Here's to another amazing year of life and to another year of being surrounded in the moment.

Happy Birthday Jasmine.
Love, JD