Frequently Asked Question: PRICING

One of the most commonly asked questions about starting a photography business is How to Get Paid from Photography. In short, pricing and charging for photography services. This is a difficult question to answer because there isn't a right way. Everyone finds their own path, but there are a few principles that generally apply.

Principle One: Cover Your Costs
It's important to know what your fixed costs are (fixed costs are expenses that don't change as a function of a business). For example, rent for a studio, paying for an online photo gallery, and depreciation are fixed costs. When creating a pricing structure, be sure to list what your variable and fixed costs are to ensure your fees cover everything…and you're not stuck working for free (a very common problem for new photographers).

Principle Two: Let Demand Dictate Your Price
Resist the temptation to look to other photographers and establish your worth. It's easy to place yourself on a photographic totem pole (She's so much better than me, but I'm definitely better than him…) and then try to assign your prices based on perceived worth. You might think you're worth $3,000 (and maybe you are), but unless you have clients willing to pay that amount for your services on a consistent basis, you're misled. If you've been working hard for years and don't have a steady stream of bookings, there's a good chance you've priced your services too high.

Principle Three: Adjust as Needed
Pricing your services is one of the hardest things you'll do when you start a business, so give yourself some grace. No one is expecting you to get things right at the beginning, so test the waters and see how people respond. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to change your prices if they are too high…running a business is a learning process, so sit in your own light and grow without worrying about what others may think.

To see an hour-long video presentation about my pricing structure when I first started (and what my pricing structure is now) and how to create a profitable business, be sure to tune in for my 30-day photography bootcamp for a free broadcast. It'll air tomorrow, on Friday, June 19, 2015 at 9am PST and continue 24 hours for free.

I'll also be answering questions and working through common pricing struggles and mishaps, so tune in as we make our businesses stronger, together.